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Posted Sat, 23 Dec 2023 07:23:23 GMT by Anonymous UANONmXd54S3FhY


Can you plant garlic from the store? Garlic is an incredibly versatile plant. It is a member of the Allium family, along with onions, shallots, and leeks. You can easily grow garlic from store bought in your own backyard by following a few simple steps.

Selecting the Right Garlic

Understanding Garlic Varieties

There are two main types of garlic: softneck and hardneck. You can find softneck garlic in grocery stores. While you can usually find hardneck garlic at farmers' markets or specialty food stores.

Softneck garlic produces larger bulbs with more cloves. It also has a longer shelf life compared to hardneck garlic. Hardneck garlic have fewer but larger cloves. It is known for its bold flavor.

When choosing a variety, consider your region and growing conditions. Some varieties may perform better in certain climates or soil types than others.

Identifying Healthy Store-Bought Garlic Cloves

Look for firm and plump cloves with no signs of mold or sprouting. Avoid any cloves that feel soft or have visible mold growth. Because these may not produce a healthy plant.

Garlic from the grocery store may have been treated with chemicals to prevent sprouting or disease. This can affect the ability of the cloves to grow into productive plants. So it's best to choose organic garlic if possible.

Preparing for Planting

Timing your Garlic Planting

Generally, fall planting results in larger bulbs. If you live in regions with mild winters, plant in fall. The cloves can take root and develop during winter. Cool climates are better for spring planting. Because too much moisture in the soil during winter can lead to rotting.

When deciding on a planting date, look at your local climate conditions. Garlic needs exposure to cold temperatures for several weeks to produce large bulbs. So check your local average temperature.

Gathering Necessary Materials

When growing garlic from store bought, make sure to gather quality potting soil, planting containers or garden beds, and mulch for insulation. The soil should be well-draining and nutrient-rich. You can combine equal parts of topsoil, compost, and expanded perlite.

For containers, use pots at least 20cm deep with holes for drainage. If you're planning to plant in a garden bed, ensure it's free of weeds and has good drainage. You can also use square foot gardening garlic. Lastly, mulch protect your garlic from extreme temperatures and keep weeds at bay. You can use straw, leaves, or grass clippings as mulch.

How to Grow Store Bought Garlic?

Separating Cloves for Planting

First, gently separate the cloves from the bulb. Avoid damaging the cloves. This can affect their growth. Look for the largest and healthiest cloves to plant. These will have the best chance of producing a healthy bulb.

Planting Depth and Spacing

You should plant store bought garlic cloves about 2 inches deep, with the pointed end facing up. Space the cloves about 6 inches apart to allow room for growth. If you're planting multiple rows, leave 12-18 inches between each row. When growing garlic from store bought, plant them with enough space to grow. Because crowding can lead to small bulbs.

Watering and Initial Care

Moiste the soil before planting. Water plastic planting pots thoroughly after planting. Continue to provide adequate water every few days for the first couple of weeks.

Garlic is a shallow-rooted plant. It needs consistent moisture to produce well-formed bulbs. Make sure to keep the area free from weeds. Garlic does not compete well with other plants for nutrients and space.

Caring for Growing Garlic

Mulching for Moisture Retention

Mulching involves covering the soil with organic material. For example, straw, leaves, or compost. They can retain moisture in the soil and regulate its temperature. This also provides a favorable environment for garlic growth.

Mulching also controls weeds. They will compete with garlic for nutrients and sunlight. It also improves soil structure and adds essential nutrients when the organic material decomposes.

Spread mulch about 2-3 inches deep over your garlic bed once the soil has warmed up in spring. Avoid covering the tops of the bulbs. This can lead to rotting. Replenish the mulch as needed throughout the growing season.

Fertilizing and Soil Nutrition

Organic fertilizers provide slow-release nutrients without damaging soil microorganisms. For example, compost or manure. Avoid using chemical fertilizers. They can harm beneficial soil bacteria.

Garlic requires a steady supply of nutrients throughout its growth stages. So feed it every 3-4 weeks during the growing season. Stop fertilizing once the lower leaves turn yellow and die back, about three weeks before harvest.

Controlling Pests and Diseases

Garlic is susceptible to pests such as onion maggots, thrips, and nematodes. They can damage the bulbs and negatively affect growth. Pay attention to any signs of pests when growing garlic from store bought garlic. For example, yellowing leaves or wilting plants.

You should try natural methods instead of using harmful pesticides. Companion planting with herbs to repel pests. For example, rosemary, thyme, and sage. You can also use garlic spray made from crushed garlic cloves and water to deter pests. Regularly inspect your plants. Remove any affected leaves or bulbs can also prevent the spread of diseases.

Harvesting and Curing Garlic

When to Harvest Garlic?

The leaves of the plant start to turn yellow and die back. This indicates that the garlic is mature. The bulbs should also feel firm when gently squeezed, with no give or squishiness.

Harvesting Techniques

When harvesting, loosen the soil around the garlic plants with a garden fork or shovel. Be careful not to damage the bulbs in the process. Then, gently pull the garlic bulbs out of the ground. Being careful not to break or bruise them.

Curing for Long-Term Storage

This involves drying out the garlic bulbs in a warm, airy place for 2-3 weeks. Once the outer layers of skin are dry and papery, remove any excess dirt or roots. Trim the tops down to about an inch.

After curing, store your garlic in a cool, dry place. A pantry or cellar with good air circulation and minimal moisture is ideal. Garlic can last for several months if you store properly.


Can you grow garlic from store bought? By following these steps, you can easily grow garlic from store bought cloves within a few months. With patience and dedication, you will be rewarded with a bountiful harvest of delicious garlic bulbs.
Posted Tue, 19 Mar 2024 11:43:54 GMT by Katelynn Flowers
Unlock the world of edible wild plants identification tips! Start by familiarizing yourself with common features like leaf shape, smell, and habitat. Look out for wild garlic's long, narrow leaves and unmistakable garlic aroma. Remember to cross-reference with reliable sources and seek guidance from experienced foragers for safe and enjoyable foraging adventures!
Posted Tue, 28 May 2024 07:35:03 GMT by Monica Capwell
Thanks a lot! One question I have though. Does garlic smell when it is yet green?

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